Thursday, February 21, 2008

{ Just throwing this out there...}

Kimberly & I are challenging ourselves to a financial fast for the next few weeks. What's that you ask? Well we will be locking up the credit, debit and atm cards and spending NO money (except on gas, we got to get to work right?). We will eat what is in our cabinets and buried deep in the freezers and entertainment will be board games, hula hoops, trucks, trains and what ever else our boys come up with! Why are we doing this? ~ Why are we doing this???? ~ Oh, yeah ~ so we remember money doesn't buy happiness and joy comes from the simple things in life.

So the big question is.......who is buying us lunch next week?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm...i don't see sarah included in this blog. i suppose she could buy your lunch?? :) i just thought i'd say thanks again to kim for taking the time out on saturday to take our engagement pics! it was so good to meet you and your a wonderful photographer! can't wait to see how they turn out! thanks again - Josie Lynch