Wednesday, April 22, 2009

{ Don't be trashy.....}

reduce, reuse, recycle! Happy Earth day from Kimberly & I! Whether you are a full-fledged eco-maniac or the just jumping on the green machine, I hope you take a moment today, and every day for that matter, to do something good for the planet we call home.

Being "green" is not new to me, it just didn't have a name, that's just how we did it. My dad has been composting and growing an organic veggie garden for as long as I can remember. He is an original "eco-warrior", reducing and recycling before it was cool. During my formative years I remember saving pop cans and tin foil and taking them down to local metal recycling center because way back then there was no curbside recycling pick up. Or washing out Ziploc bags and turning them inside out and letting them dry so they be reused, as the budding socialite that I was I was always embarrassed to have friends over because there would inevitably be a sea of baggies drying on the counter. Those little things made an impression because if you go into my kitchen right at this very minute, there is a baggie propped up to dry, peek in my fridge and it is 95% full of organic or natural food (even our soda pop is all natural....and save the lecture I know just because it is natural doesn't mean it's healthy...)my compost pail is probably full and ready to go to the compost bins my husband and I built (from my dad's design...these things rock, you know for as much as a composter can rock, if you need one let me know....we'd be happy to build you one!). I am pleased as punch that every trash day we have more recycling to be picked up than trash, one day I hope to have none, it pains me to through things away. I hope my husband and I are showing our son that things aren't disposable, there are consequences for all of our choices and that if you love the Creator, than you should love the Creation!

I believe everyday should be Earth Day, that there is not an endless supply of water and earth for us to use and you can't convince me that smothering our bodies, ground and water with preservatives, growth hormones, and toxins and volatile compounds doesn't have a negative effect on us and the development of our little ones.

So this is me on my soapbox, thank you for indulging me. As a bonus Earth Day treat, leave a comment sharing one thing you and your family do to reduce your carbon footprint or one thing you are pledging to start doing soon, and by soon I mean today, and I will pick at random one person to win a "Spring Greening" gift pack! Comment now, the winner will be picked Friday! Go Green ~ Elizabeth ;)


Anonymous said...

I almost felt like I was just being scolded!! :)

~Katie Craft :)

Kimberly and Elizabeth said...

Ha! Katie, no scolding I just get very passionate about "eco-subjects"! You should have been around in the early days of my marriage. The phrase 'that can be recycled!' was shouted out just about everytime my husband openned the trash can! He used to just roll his eyes at me (as I am sure most people do...I am ok with that!), but I think I have "greened" him up a bit. When he goes to the store now he heads straight for the organic section, and he takes his own bag. And my Tater...he is one heck of an eco-warrior in the making!

Sarah said...

Oh Elizabeth! how timely! I found a gift for you of course! I'll bring it by on Friday.

Thank You for reminding me to be a good steward of all of HIS gifts!


I try to remember to take my shopping bags with me! I am good at Target but still working on the other stores. We too have a garden in the summer and try to freeze for the rest of the year. When we have a light bulb burn out I replce it with the better energy ones ( i am sure they have some great name but i do not know it!) we are also getting a brita filter or pitcher soon so we will not be buying bottled water. i am going to start recyclling plastic we already do aluminum. since the recycle place is practically across the street there is no excuse for us not too. well i am working on it E! thanks ladies!


hey i found some more cool stuff for you! if you go to and look up fuzzy wuzzy dryer balls and crunchy clean detergent. i think i might get some to try it out! what do you think?!

Kimberly and Elizabeth said...

Frog Princess...I am heading over to etsy as we speak....crunchy clean screams me!

And Shark....yes, exactly! If we are not thankful and good stewards of His gifts, why would he bless us further?

Peace & Love my friends! ~E

Rhonda said...

Elizabeth- This is an amazing post! I LOVE IT!!

We've really stepped it up in the recycling department these last few years. Grant LOVES it when we load up the truck and head to the recycling place. I am getting better at remembering my reusable grocery bags. I even make my own! I'm a beginner sewer but that was one of my first projects. Last yr when Grant graduated from pre-school I made one for all the teachers. It was a fun project. :)

I would like your knowledge on composting. We have a palce where we can compost but I don't know much about it so I've never attempted it. Can you give me the 411 on it? I'd love that!

Take Care and Happy belated Earth Day to you!!

Anonymous said...

We have put up a clothesline in our backyard so we don't have to run the dryer so much this spring and summer. Oh, and we also bathe our little boys together to save hot water. Does that count?


Jenni Layne said...

And here I thought I was "weird" for cleaning/reusing my baggies. I also have more recycle than trash (trash day today and have overflowing recycle bin vs 1 small bag of trash). Would love some pointers on compost piles (pictures of yours?)...don't understand the "getting started" process....Thanks!


okay so now it is the following wednesday and no winner yet! you did just say "friday" you did not specifically say which one! hope you guys are having a great week and keeping busy!
love ya