Wednesday, January 23, 2008

{ National Pie Day????}

Dig in and celebrate National Pie Day with your favorite confection!

Come on, you know you want to!

Did you know January 23rd is National Pie Day? Really, I am not making this up. Although, let me think about it for a minute, a day to celebrate a sweet confection like pie, why not? Here are just a few pie fun facts brought to you by the Pie Council that I bet you didn't know:

~ 1 out of 4 Americans prefer Apple pie (Kimberly is one of those people), followed by pumpkin or sweet potato (17%), anything chocolate (14%, you can put me in that category), lemon meringue (11%) and cherry (10%).

~Speaking of cherry, did you know at one time it was against the law to serve ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas?

~If you line up the # of pies sold at U.S. grocery stores in one year, they would circle the globe and then some!

~Pies weren't always considered a dessert item, in the 19th century fruit pies were a common breakfast food eaten before the start of a long day. Sounds good to me!
So today on National Pie Day, eat a pie, make a pie, share a's your patriotic duty!

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